Deputy Lieutenants are appointed by the Lord-Lieutenant. They are people from all walks of life and the number appointed is determined by population. Under the terms of the Lieutenancy Act a person may be appointed a Deputy Lieutenant if:
- He or she is shown to have rendered appropriate service: such service includes service as a member of, or in a civil capacity in connection with, the armed forces, and other suitable public service
- He or she has a place of residence in, or within seven miles from the boundary of the relevant county
The aim is that within each county the Deputy Lieutenants should be widely representative of its life in social range, gender, community background, ethnic mix and service to the community. A Deputy Lieutenant is not required to be a British subject. The Deputy Lieutenants assist the Lord-Lieutenant in carrying out his role as The King’s Representative, and because of their expertise or role within the community, they may be asked for their help with:
- Honour nominations
- Assessments for The King's Award for Voluntary Service
- Recommendations of local people for attendance at Royal Garden Parties
- Participation in Citizenship ceremonies
- Attendance at Remembrance Day services
- Supporting the Lord-Lieutenant at presentations of King's Award ceremonies, King's Award for Voluntary Service or local investitures
