As a responsible designer and manufacturer of electric hand dryers we are able to dispel some of the myths and speculation surrounding hand dryer hygiene.

We have been at the forefront of moving the technology of hand drying forward, to produce more effective, hygienic and environmentally friendly products, and we will continue to do so secure in the knowledge that electric hand drying is the optimal solution for all public washrooms.

Current Guidelines

The World Health Organisation

“To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.”

UK Government

Cleaning, hygiene and handwashing to make your workplace COVID secure.

To protect people when using existing washing facilities, consider the following:

  • Identify all surfaces that require additional cleaning in bathrooms and toilets
  • Make sure you provide running water and soap to enable people to clean their hands properly
  • Provide hand drying facilities – paper towels or hand dryers
  • Empty bins frequently to safely dispose of waste. Where possible have open-topped bin or foot operated lids
  • Use signs and posters to increase awareness of good handwashing technique
  • Decide how and when handwashing facilities will be cleaned and when bins will be emptied
  • Decide who will replenish soap, paper towels and hand sanitiser

Center for disease control and prevention

“We have no evidence that hand dryers are spreading the coronavirus”

Watch this video

Airdri hand dryer hygiene

In recent times there have been a number of articles giving the paper towel industry a platform to spread false information about the cleanliness of hand dryers during this pandemic. We published our response but we wanted to go one step further and commissioned a leading independent microbiologist to look into the claims in more detail.

The resulting report by Dr. David L. Webber has confirmed that the use of hand dryers in the washroom does not contribute to the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Citing various articles and reports into the spread of microbial contaminants, Dr. Webber confirmed that COVID-19 is spread by droplet transmission and contact with contaminated surfaces. However, he noted that the risk of contracting the disease should be no greater in the washroom than in any other communal space.

The report also referenced the ongoing debate around the most hygienic hand drying process. The findings showed that despite claims made by paper towel manufacturers to suggest that hand dryers contribute to the spread of viruses in the washroom, the reality is that both paper towels and warm air hand dryers offer a hygienic way to dry hands.


Cutting through misinformation

There is a myriad of information and reports available with varying degrees of conflicting information. Reports funded by both the hand dryer and paper towel industries means that it can be very easy to get lost in contradictions.

Whilst Airdri will of course advocate the safety and sustainability of hand dryers, ultimately the choice is always, rightly so, with the customer.


Wash your hands thoroughly then dry your hands completely

You can dry them under a warm air dryer, or use a paper towel. Wet or damp hands make a good breeding ground for bacteria, which makes drying your hands a critical step in reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Read our infection control paper